But then comes the time to end this 'marriage' of sorts and move into the next phase of your lives. Unfortunately you want to sell and your partner doesn't. Or it's the other way around. Doesn't really matter. What's important is you have a somewhat difficult sea to navigate. This is unlike any other decision you and your partner have had to make before.
You want to maintain your friendship but business is business and you have your family to think about. Not to mention your responsibility to loyal employees, vendors and customers.
So do you go it alone, plan to work it out between yourselves and risk the business, your relationship and perhaps your future well being? Or do you bring in experts to help steer the ship so you both get to your respective destinations with minimal disruption to your business and your personal lives?
It's up to you. Ask a few friends who have gone through this. Read a few books on the subject. In the end it doesn't really matter how much you read or what your friends say. If you don't have a team to help, it's all just interesting reading and conversation.
At WarrenBDC, we may have some of the answers you're looking for.
If you want to speak with me right now, that's great. If you need to know more about us first, simply take a few minutes to look at our website www.warrenbdc.com. Get to know us a bit better and then call or email. Whatever works best for you.
Do it on your own schedule and if anything twigs for you ... feel free to give me a call at 416-270-2466 or email [email protected].
Thank you for opening and reading my emails. I work hard at providing information and insights I believe are of value to you.
Cheers, Eric