With a nod to Jeff Foxworthy the comic, here is my list.
If you're thinking about running out of time, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about who could carry on your legacy, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about staying or going, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about growing your business way bigger, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about what your life will be like after, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about spending more time with family, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about what's going to happen to your staff, vendors and customers, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about how much you don't know about transitioning, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about what a great ride it's been, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about not wanting to stop, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about how to download your decades of experience, expertise and contacts to a successor, you might be ready to start transitioning.
If you're thinking about not knowing where to start, you might be ready to call me. Eric 416-270-2466 or email [email protected].
Not quite ready?
The world of selling a business is not black or white like some owners think. There are many shades of gray. You owe it to yourself and those close to you, to find out what your options are right now. Listen to my latest podcast now.
Download this free PDF copy of MOVING FORWARD. Please enjoy the benefits of 'Getting The Triple Effect'.
Cheers, Eric Gilboord