by Eric Gilboord
Let's start with understanding that much of our power, direction and success comes from within us. We can blame outside forces, but in the end it's up to us. Can you eliminate failure, wipe it off the board? Of course not and in fact why would you?
Paralysis by analysis is a common reason for not succeeding. Fear of failure is often stronger than the anticipation of success. You over think a move, an idea, a deal, a call, a sale, an email etc. and under try. You don't do anything because it's too much work, too difficult, might not work (excuse goes here ______________).
Failure is part of the process so don't let it freeze you. Failure comes when something doesn't work the way you thought it might. You learn a bit more, make some changes and try again. The three rules of success are Pivot Pivot Pivot.
Over the past year I've visited with many business owners who are inches away from the success they desire. This is not limited to business success but easily crosses over to their personal lives as well. The problem is not some external force. It's the fight they have within themselves. So what is standing in the way of our success and what can we do about it?
Here are 7 common problems and my solutions:
- If an employee, customer or friend is more trouble than they are worth - let them go.
- If a friend, employee or supplier frequently lets their personal life issues interfere with how you run your life or business - warn them once and then fire them.
- If you think you are the only one in the family or company who can do a task - find someone else who can or teach someone to do it.
- If someone you talk to, work with or consult with consistently says no to trying new ideas and ways of thinking - find more out of the box thinkers.
- If you are constantly chasing something so elusive you've never had success - try looking at it in a different way, from another angle. There is always another way. Bring in fresh eyes.
- If you are spending all your time making someone else rich, successful or happy - try looking in the mirror for your next customer or boss.
- If your goals are so high you don't believe they are achievable - try something smaller. Baby steps.
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I like improving my life with Eric's PERSONAL growth messages.
I like growing my company with Eric's BUSINESS oriented messages.
Eric Gilboord, A2E