1. Build Traffic At Point Of Sale. This could be at your store or office or a trade/consumer show.
2. Promote Trial Use of Products During Launch Phase. If you have a new product or service, you will need to create some excitement and to generate special interest in it.
3. Counter Competitors' Tactics. Your competitor just started a new advertising campaign and customers are drawn to their special offer. You need to fight back and regain the attention of your customers.
4. Level Seasonal Sales Peaks and Valleys. Sales may seem to be on a roller coaster ride sometimes and you need to have more control over cash flow and inventory management.
5. Control Overstock Situations. The brand-new widget you imported is turning out to be a dud and you can't afford to carry it indefinitely. It's time for a blowout sale.
6. Gain Leverage And Stretch Your Advertising Budget. Use cooperative programs with other marketers whose products or services are complementary to your own (e.g., software and computers, swimming pools and water treatment supplies).
7. Complement Your Regular Advertising Program. Promotions add a new dimension as part of a multi-disciplined strategy.
8. Develop Your Customer And Prospect Databases. Not every business requires customers to supply contact information. A quick way to gather names of existing customers and prospects is to run a promotion and get them to fill out a ballot online or in person.