1. Look For Trade Shows To Exhibit At Or Just Attend. Sometimes, walking through a show and searching for distributors or customers can be just as beneficial as exhibiting at it. Meeting with customers at the shows can be an opportunity to spend quality time with them out of the office. This is also a great opportunity to research your industry, identify new innovations or coming trends.
2. Plan A Sales Meeting(s) With Your Agents And Sales Reps. Hold the meetings at the show. They will likely be attending the same events as you. A sales meeting is a cost-effective method for keeping in touch with and educating your associates on the many new activities and opportunities you have planned for them.
3. Develop An Internal Incentive Program. Make the prize a trip to the show. If the all the reps go to the show anyway then offer something special for the winners to be enjoyed in the city where the show is being held. New employees can also use these events to accelerate their learning curve.
4. Coordinate Special Offers. Coordinate offers for your distributors to promote your products or services to their customers. Or offer specials to your customers if you sell direct to end users.
5. Identify Publications To Advertise In. Contact both print and online vehicles to find out about special promotional issues and their editorial calendars. You could tie your advertisement in with a special issue that is focused on a specific topic. Ask if you can contribute an article or be the subject of an interview.
6. Plan Your Advertising. Give customers sufficient time to collect information from you and your competitors before making their final decisions. Incorporate seasonality of sales and be aware of customer sales cycles. Be clear on closing times for booking space and providing advertising material.
7. Announce Publicity Opportunities. Include new product launches and events of interest to industry publications and their readers.
8. List All Seasonal Sales Events. Use them selectively to package promotional offers. Seasonal themes can work in many industries.
9. Coordinate Multiple Activities. News about store and office openings, expansions, new product or services and booth information can be tied into your other marketing efforts. Add a tag line about a sale or show and booth number to an ad or a flyer; it’s a cost-effective method for increasing their success.
10. Plan And Execute Direct Marketing Programs. Planning enables you to boost sales, increase show booth or store attendance and to make customers aware of special offers. Savings can be enjoyed by purchasing materials for multiple shows or sales at one time. Instead of running around the day before each event. Don’t even think about denying it!
11. Attend Seminars And Workshops Throughout The Season. Plan for them in advance. If you don’t plan to attend these events, you probably will not have time for them when they come up.
12. Assess Results Of Your Efforts. Identify a specific time to learn from your mistakes and make sure that you continue to take advantage of your successes.