by Eric Gilboord A2E
1. Know Your Target Audience. Understand members of your target group thoroughly, including their attitudes toward the services you offer (e.g., is the purchase of your product or service important, fun, or a necessary evil?). What motivates them, excites them, and makes them want to come back? Be honest and clear about your target group. It is not all adults or all females or all females with blue eyes. Get as close as possible to the core of your target audience and know who is really buying your product or service. Create a mental picture of your customers. See them clearly and make sure that anyone involved with your business has the same picture.
2. Be Up-To-Date On Your Competition. Be completely up-to-date on your competition. How are your competitors marketing? Are they spending more on marketing than you are? Are they spending less? What kind of results are they getting? Know what your competition is going to do before they do it and prepare yourself. Learn from their mistakes and their successes.